My Scan

MRI Scans

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanning is a medical investigation that uses a strong magnet and radio-frequency waves to generate images of your body.

What can be diagnosed with MRI?

  • most ailments of the brain, including tumours, dementia and multiple sclerosis
  • sports injuries
  • musculoskeletal problems
  • most spinal conditions/injuries
  • vascular abnormalities
  • female pelvic problems
  • Breast Cancer in the under 50’s
  • prostate problems
  • some gastrointestinal tract conditions
  • certain ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions
  • soft tissue and bone pathology/conditions

Who can’t have an MRI?

  • some patients with a heart pacemaker
  • certain clips in your head from brain operations, i.e. aneurysm clips
  • cochlear (ear) implants
  • metallic foreign body in your eye
  • surgery in the preceding 8 weeks
  • a programmable shunt for hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain)
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